Seaside supports many ministries locally and globally.

  • Christian Surfers

    Together we are family on a mission. We invite you to join us in a lifetime pursuit of building the Kingdom through this very special call of Christian Surfers. We have the opportunity to help transform lives in an eternal way, and you have the God-given power to add fuel to this fire… to share the love of Jesus with every surfer and every surfing community!

    -David and Amy Nehrig

  • Water 4 Kids

    Today, there are 780 million people who still do not have access to safe drinking water. At W4KI, you’ll learn about the need for clean water and how YOU can make a difference to thousands of people with the life-giving legacy of a deep well.

  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    We are a community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. We desire to see every coach and athlete enter into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. We seek to make disciples through our strategy of engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.

  • Souleader Resources

    SOULeader is a resource for leaders and churches which Seaside helps support. They provide coaching, training, assessment, and intervention.

    The SOULeader ministry team are “pastors to pastors” who can come alongside those who are in the trenches for support, care, nurture, and resources.

  • Hope 4 Kids International

    Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27).

    Seaside has partnered with Hope 4 Kids International, an organization committed to helping children around the world that are suffering from extreme poverty through Dignity, Health, Joy & Love.

  • Wycliffe Global Alliance

    Seaside helps support Tom and Susan Van Wynen, who serve with the Wycliffe Global Alliance. The Alliance headquarters is in Singapore but most of the team serves remotely and travels extensively to serve Bible translation movements worldwide.

  • Casa Hogar Eben Ezer, Baja, Mexico

    Seaside has partnered with pastor Freddy and Eva Duarte since the year 2000 and engaged with Casa Hogar Eben-ezer to purchase a building in 2007. The Name Eben-Ezer comes from 1 Samuel 7:12 and means ‘Thus far the LORD has helped us’” The facility continues to grow and the children are thriving. We continue to support the ongoing work being done and would love to have you join us.

    So, come with us on the 4th Saturday of every month to show the love of Jesus to these children. We meet in the Youth Center parking lot at 7:45 and leave by 8:00 AM. 21601 Surveyor Circle HB CA 92646

    If you’d like to join us please bring your desire to serve and your passport for reentry into the US. Want more info? We have maps, insurance info, and carpooling is available. Contact : Jack & Vicki Dishon

  • Vision Church Haiti

    Vision Church Haiti began as a partnership between ministry leader, Jay Bowen, and Haitian born pastor, Pastor “Rosie” Rosinel. With a vision to further God’s kingdom in Haiti by working with local pastors.

  • Horizon Pregnancy Clinic

    Horizon provides free caring and personal support to those in an unplanned pregnancy situation.

  • Hardwired Global

    Hardwired’s team of full-time staff and professional volunteers are committed to advancing the human right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief for all people worldwide.